Computer & WiFi
The Library provides workspace and seating for patrons to use their personal devices with the library's free WiFi as well as in-house laptops to be used throughout the library space. Laptops are accessible to patrons of all ages. While there are no restrictions on time, we ask patrons to be considerate of others waiting their turn. For more information about the Library's terms of use, view our Computer & Internet Use policy. WiFi access is available in the building as well in the Library parking lot.
To access our free WiFi, please connect to **New Haven Library Patron.**
The Library provides public access to printing and scanning services. Black & white copies can be made for free (no more than 10 pages). If a patron has a larger print job or needs to print in color, we ask the patrons to make a donation to help cover the costs associated with printing.
Patrons can access printing services through our public access stations or via their mobile phone when they download the Xerox Workplace App through the Google Play or Apple store. Patrons are also able to make free digital scans that can be saved to a USB thumbdrive or emailed directly to an intended recipient.